Kamis, 30 Juni 2011
Bryan White – Dustbowl Dreams
Bryan White – Dustbowl Dreams
Just A Pup Records
1. Dustbowl Dreams 4:26 2. Say When 3:31 3. The Little Things 3:10 4. Get it Together! 3:37 5. When You Come Around 4:48 6. Hands of Time (with Steve Wariner) 3:46 7. Beautiful Place 4:10 8. Place to Come Home 3:06 9. Erika's Song 5:35 10. On My Own (Hymn of the Road) 3:59 11. Dustbowl Dreams (Reprise) 1:41
Die ganz großen Zeiten liegen schon etwas hinter Bryan White. Doch den Glauben an sich und seine Musik hat er nie verloren. Und der Glaube versetzt ja bekanntermaßen Berge. Das könnte auch mit dem aktuellen Album „Dustbowl Dream“ passieren. Es hat das Zeug sein erfolgreichstes Album zu werden, sofern die Country Fans mitspielen. Das Album ist so begehrt, dass auf Amazon.com zum Zeitpunkt der CD Besprechung Preise bis zu $ 40,- verlangt wurden. Das Album wäre aber auch den Abwerwitzingen Preis wert. Die Auslegung auf moderne Country Music und die Stimme von Bryan White passen so wunderbar zusammen, dass der geneigte Hörer die CD bestimmt nicht wieder aus dem CD Player nehmen wird.
Bonnie Guitar – By The Fireside
Bonnie Guitar – By The Fireside
BCD 16731 AH
1. I Couldn't Believe It Was True 2. I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry 3. If Raindrops Were Kisses 4. Honeycomb 5. Slowly 6. My Shoes Keep Walking Back To You 7. Down By The Riverside 8. I Really Don't Want To Know 9. I Forgot To Remember To Forget 10. You Win Again 11. I Don't Hurt Anymore 12. Singing The Blues 13. Your Cheatin' Heart 14. I Almost Lost My Mind 15. Go Back You Fool
1-CD DigiPac (4-seitig) mit 28-seitigem Booklet, 15 Einzeltitel, Spieldauer 33:02. -- Eine bislang unveröffentlichte Session von 1959 mit der legendären Sängerin und Komponistin Bonnie Guitar. Bemerkenswert intimes musikalisches Szenario nur mit Begleitung durch eine Sologitarre. Beteiligt ist eine weitere Legende, der Sänger, Komponist und Musiker Don Robertson. -- Bonnie Guitar, seit ihren Hit-Singles Dark Moon' und 'Mister Fire Eyes' eine feste Größe, war auch bekannt durch ihre jahrzehntelange Mitwirkung als Musikerin und Sängerin in Pop- und Country-Bands in der Pacific-Northwest-Region. -- Bonnie und ihr Freund, der Songschreiber und Produzent Don Robertson, zogen sich 1959 für mehrere Sessions in die Hollywood-Studios von RCA Victor zurück unter anderem für ein ungewöhnliches Experiment: Sie nahmen nur Bonnies Stimme und eine Sologitarre auf. Zum Repertoire gehörten Standards, die Bonnie seit Jahren in Clubs gesungen hatte, aber auch neue Originale sowie Robertson-Kompositionen. -- Wie kam es zu diesen Aufnahmen? Bonnie sagt, es waren Master-Sessions, obwohl derartig zwanglose Einspielungen bis 1959 nie gemacht worden waren (selbst auf Johnny Mathis' 'Open Fire Two Guitars' gab es eine zweite Gitarre und einen Bass). Bonnies 'By The Fireside' umfasst 15 damals eingespielte Titel, die jetzt erstmals veröffentlicht werden. In Todd Everetts Begleittext gibt es authentische Informationen, die aus drei Interviews mit der Künstlerin stammen.
Acadian All Star Special – The Pioneering Cajun Recordings of J.D. Miller
Acadian All Star Special – The Pioneering Cajun Recordings of J.D. Miller
BCD 17206 CK
CD 1 : 1. La Cravat - Happy, Doc, And The Boys 2. Gabriel Waltz - Happy, Doc, And The Boys 3. Don’t Hang Around - Happy, Doc, And The Boys 4. My Sweetheart’s My Buddy's Wife - Happy, Doc, And The Boys 5. Setre Chandelle - Happy, Doc, And The Boys 6. Allons Dance Colinda - Happy, Doc, And The Boys 7. Is It Too Late To Cry - Happy, Doc, And The Boys 8. Somehow You Don’t Care - Happy, Doc, And The Boys 9. Dans Les Grand Meche - Sonnier, Lee And His Acadian A 10. Chere Catan - Sonnier, Lee And His Acadian A 11. Chere Petite Brun - LeBlanc & Adams And The Vermil 12. Vermillion Two Step - LeBlanc & Adams And The Vermil 13. Fais Do Do Breakdown - Happy, Doc, And The Boys 14. Chere Cherie - Happy, Doc, And The Boys 15. New Jolie Blond - Happy, Doc, And The Boys 16. Dans Les Platin - Happy, Doc, And The Boys 17. Drunkard Waltz - Durbin, Jimmy And The Country 18. Fais Do Do Two Step - Durbin, Jimmy And The Country 19. Chere Meon - Choates, Jimmy And His Melody 20. Petit Negress - Choates, Jimmy And His Melody 21. La Blues De Cajin - Sonnier, Lee And His Acadian A 22. Chere Eci Et Cher Laba - Sonnier, Lee And His Acadian A 23. Bayou LaFourche - Happy, Doc, And The Boys 24. Sothe Fermon - Happy, Doc, And The Boys 25. Eunice Waltz - Veteran Playboys 26. Chinaball Special - Veteran Playboys
CD 2 : 1. Chatatinia Waltz - Austin Pete And His Evangeline 2. Evangeline Playboys Special - Austin Pete And His Evangeline 3. Oakdale Waltz - Guillory, Chuck And Boys 4. Walfus Two Step - Guillory, Chuck And Boys 5. Chuck's Waltz - Guillory, Chuck And Rhythm Boy 6. Teiyut Two Step - Guillory, Chuck And Rhythm Boy 7. War Widow Waltz - Sonnier, Lee And His Acadian A 8. Cankton Two Step - Sonnier, Lee And His Acadian A 9. High Point Two Step - Austin Pete And His Evangeline 10. Redell Waltz - Austin Pete And His Evangeline 11. La Valse De Hadacol - Happy & The Doctor & The Hadac 12. Crowley Two Step - Happy & The Doctor & The Hadac 13. Jolé Blonde - Breaux, Amidie And The Acadian 14. Acadian Two Step - Breaux, Amidie And The Acadian 15. Criminal Waltz - Breaux, Amidie And The Acadian 16. Poor Hobo - Breaux, Amidie And The Acadian 17. The Lafayette Playboys Waltz - Roger, Aldus And Lafayette Pla 18. Hix Wagon Wheel Special - Roger, Aldus And Lafayette Pla 19. Prison Waltz - Cleveland Mire And The Jolly B 20. Hudson Breakdown - Cleveland Mire And The Jolly B 21. Welcome Club Waltz - Cormier, Lionel & His Sundown 22. Sundown Playboys Special - Cormier, Lionel & His Sundown 23. The Fifty Cent Song - Spell, Louis And His French Se 24. Lover’s Waltz - Spell, Louis And His French Se 25. Along The River - Sonnier, Lee And His Acadian A 26. Acadian All Star Special - Sonnier, Lee And His Acadian A
CD 3 : 1. The Waltz That Carried Me To The Grave - Broussard, Pee Wee And His Mel 2. The Pee Wee Special - Broussard, Pee Wee And His Mel 3. Big Texas (English) - Papa Cairo And His Boys 4. Big Texas (French) - Papa Cairo And His Boys 5. Chere Tu Tu - Broussard, Pee Wee And His Mel 6. Creole Stomp - Broussard, Pee Wee And His Mel 7. Hey, Mom! - Breaux, Amidie And His Band 8. Hard Luck Waltz - Breaux, Amidie And His Band 9. (I Know That) I've Made A Big Mistake - Newman, Jimmy And His Rhythm B 10. I Don't Know What I’m Going To Do - Newman, Jimmy And His Rhythm B 11. Le Valse De Bayou Blanc - Broussard, Pee Wee And His Mel 12. M&S Special - Broussard, Pee Wee And His Mel 13. Country Gentleman (French) - Manuel, Abe And His Louisiana 14. I've Got Your Heart Locked Up (French) - Manuel, Abe And His Louisiana 15. Le Valse De Te Maurice - Clement, Terry And His Rhythmi 16. Diggy Liggy Lo - Clement, Terry And His Rhythmi 17. Hippy-Ti-Yo - Manuel, Abe And The Louisiana 18. Country Girl - Manuel, Abe And The Louisiana 19. Love Sick Waltz - Roger, Aldus And The Lafayette 20. Mardi Gras Dance - Roger, Aldus And The Lafayette 21. Prison Two Step - Pete, Austin And The La. Rhyth 22. La Valse of Chagrin - Pete, Austin And The La. Rhyth 23. St. Landry Two Step - Pete, Austin And The La. Rhyth 24. Janot Special - Pete, Austin And The La. Rhyth 25. Lost Love Waltz - Bertrand, Robert And The Lake 26. Drunkard's Two Step - Bertrand, Robert And The Lake
3-CD Box (LP-Größe) mit 80-seitigem gebundenem Buch, 78 Einzeltitel, Spieldauer 209:50. -- Ein Roots Music-Klassiker von Bear Family mit den Anfängen moderner Cajun Music! Mit superseltenen Stücken, von denen nur noch ein paar Platten existieren! Und nur ganz wenige dieser Aufnahmen wurden jemals auf Single, LP oder CD veröffentlicht - bis jetzt! Mit dabei sind u.a. die Originalfassung von 'Diggy Liggy Lo' und von 'Big Texas' - dem Song, den Hank Williams in 'Jambalaya' überführte. -- Die Produktion dieses Sets hat Jahre gedauert. Ewig lange musste recherchiert werden, wie viele klassische Cajun-Aufnahmen der legendäre Produzent J.D. Miller in den Vierziger- und Fünfzigerjahren überhaupt gemacht hat - und es dauerte noch länger, sie aufzuspüren und den Klang akribisch zu restaurieren. Außerdem versuchte der Cajun-Experte Lyle Ferbrache noch lebende Musiker oder deren Verwandte zu finden, um sie für das Begleitbuch zu befragen. Aber die Geduld hat sich gelohnt! Das Ergebnis ist eine Kollektion klassischer Roots Music, wie sie nur Bear Family realisieren kann! -- Zwischen 1946 und 1959 veröffentlichte J.D. Miller unterschiedliche Formen französischer Musik - von den schönen Platten von Oran 'Doc' Guidry und Leroy 'Happy Fats' Leblanc mit Fiedel und Gitarre bis hin zu den schroffen Einspielungen eines Robert Bertrand and the Lake Charles Playboys. Viele der extrem seltenen Einspielungen werden hier erstmals wiederveröffentlicht - dazu gehören auch die ersten Platten von Jimmy Newman. Dabei sind ferner Raritäten wie der 'War Widow Waltz' von Laura Broussard, Terry Clements Originalversion von 'Diggy Liggy Lo' und von Papa Cairos 'Big Texas' - des Songs, den Hank Williams in einen der populärsten Cajun-Songs, 'Jambalaya', überführte. Dies ist ein wunderbarer Bestandteil amerikanischer Musik, der kurz davor schien, für immer verloren zu sein!
Colin Hay – Gathering Mercury
Colin Hay – Gathering Mercury
Compass Records
1. Send Somebody 2. Family Man 3. Invisible 4. Dear Father 5. Gathering Mercury 6. Half A Million Angels 7. Far From Home 8. Where The Sky Is Blue 9. A Simple Song 10. Goodnight Romeo 11. Send Somebody - Stripped Mix 12. Invisible - Stripped Mix 13. Half A Million Angels - Stripped Mix 14. Where The Sky Is Blue - Stripped Mix
Colin Hay bekannt durch die Pop Band „Men at Work“ hat sich auf Solopfade begeben. Mit seinem Album „Gathering Mercury“ probiert er jetzt neue Fans für sich zu gewinnen. Doch aller „Anfang“ ist schwer. So auch die Zuordnung der Musik von ihm. Zwar finden sich Country, Folk und Rock-Elemente bei den einzelnen Songs wieder, aber so ganz genau scheint er sich nicht festlegen zu wollen wo der Zug hinfahren soll.
David Adam Byrnes – Premium Country
David Adam Byrnes – Premium Country
Better Angel Music
1. Sweet Distraction 3:27 Not Available Play 2. One Too Many Times 3:11 Not Available Play 3. She Only Wanted Flowers 3:50 Not Available Play 4. Maybe She Won't Go 3:04 Not Available Play 5. If You Didn't Have a Woman 3:25 Not Available Play 6. My Kind of Crowd 3:26 Not Available Play 7. When I'm Done Missing You 3:57 Not Available Play 8. Down Homegrown 3:58 Not Available Play 9. That's What I Tell Myself 3:05 Not Available Play 10. More Afraid of Livin' 3:57 Not Available Play 11. Any Other Way 4:08 Not Available Play 12. Long Gone 3:21 Not Available Play 13. The Jukebox, the Bottle, and Me 3:55 Not Available Play 14. When I Get There 3:46
David Adam Byrnes mit seinem Album „Premium Country“ rockt so richtig das Haus. Von „Sweet Distraction“ bis „When I Get There“ ist für jeden etwas dabei. Country bis Country Rock findet der geneigte Country Musik Fan hier wieder. Doch auch die leisen Töne beherrscht er. Das wird besonders bei „Not Available Play“ deutlich. Der Titel vom Song sagt eigentlich schon alles. Und ist mit Abstand auch der Beste Song auf dem Album. Gefühlvoll und von der Aussage vom Text mehr als zeitgemäß.
Kenny Chesney – Hemingway's Whiskey
Kenny Chesney – Hemingway's Whiskey
BNA Records
CD: 1. The Boys of Fall 2. Live A Little 3. Coastal 4. You And Tequila (featuring Grace Potter) 5. Seven Days 6. Small Y'all (Duet with George Jones) 7. Where I Grew Up 8. Reality 9. Round And Round 10. Somewhere With You 11. Hemingway's Whiskey 12. Ain't Ever Going Back Again (Bonus Track) 13. I Didn't Get Here Alone (Bonus Track)
DVD: 1. Thanks, from Kenny 2. Setting 'Em Up 3. The Boys of Fall 4. Live 1 Little 5. Coastal 6. You And Tequila (featuring Grace Potter) 7. Seven Days 8. Small Y'all (Duet with George Jones) 9. Where I Grew Up 10. Reality 11. Round And Round 12. Somewhere With You 13. Hemingway's Whiskey 14. Ain't Ever Going Back Again (Bonus Track) 15. I Didn't Get Here Alone (Bonus Track) 16. Knocking 'Em Back
Kaum war das reguläre Album „Hemingway's Whiskey“ auf dem Mark, kam auch schon die Deluxe Edition hinterher. Der Unterschied zum regulären Album ist, dass sich bei der Deluxe Edition noch eine DVD befindet. Und die Kombination ist sehr gut gelungen. So finden sich in der Deluxe Editon gleich 2 Songs, also auf der CD, mehr und natürlich auch die DVD ist ein Highlight für sich. Da ja auf YouTube das Problem besteht, dass die großen der Country Music hier in Deutschland nicht bestaunt werden können, kommt der Country Fan von heute nicht daran vorbei sich die Dexluxe Edition zu kaufen.
Melanie Denard – Dare To Live
Melanie Denard – Dare To Live
Star Path Music Group LLC
1. Something I Never Thought I'd Say 2. Cure For You 3. Bourbon 4. A Lot To Show From Loving You 5. Tumblin' Down 6. I'll Try Anything 7. Dare To Live 8. Tryin' To Be Me 9. A Million and One 10. Baby You're Back 11. Richest One 12. Son Of A Preacher Man
Melanie Denard ist nicht nur eine Frau nach der sich Männer umschauen, sondern auch noch eine begnadete Sängerin. Die 13 Songs auf dem Album „Dare To Live“ sind eine Mischung aus Country und Rock. Und wer Terri Clark liebt, wird auch Melanie Denard lieben.
Randy Travis – Top Ten
Randy Travis – Top Ten
Warner Bros. Records
1. Diggin' Up Bones 2:59 2. Forever And Ever, Amen 3:32 3. Forever Together 3:05 4. Promises 3:59 5. Too Gone Too Long 2:26 6. Honky Tonk Moon 2:49 7. King Of The Road 3:48 8. On The Other Hand 3:06 9. He Walked On Water 3:2510. I Told You So 3:40
Randy Travis ist jetzt einer der ganz Großen in der Country Music und mit dem Album „Top Ten“ veröffentlicht er ein Album mit einer Auswahl seiner größten Hits. Wer also noch kein Album von Randy Travis hat, wird hier sicherlich einen guten Einstieg in seine Musik finden.
Sun Record Company – Ballads 1953 - 1962
Sun Record Company – Ballads 1953 - 1962
BCD 17213 CH
CD 1 : 1. Walking in the Rain - Thomas, Rufus 2. Just Walking In the Rain - Prisonaires, The 3. Beggin' My Baby - Little Milton 4. I've Been Deceived - Feathers, Charlie 5. Old Brother Jack - Turner, Bonnie 6. Seems Like A Million Years - Nix, Willie 7. No Teasin' Around - Emerson, Billy 8. Turn Around - Perkins, Carl 9. There Is Love In You - Prisonaires, The 10. Before Long - Jimmy & Walter 11. The House of Sin - Slim Rhodes Band: vocal: Dot, 12. Sitting By My Window - Five Tinos, The 13. Daydreams Come True - Wimberly, Maggie Sue 14. I Forgot To Remember To Forget - Presley, Elvis 15. No Greater Love - Emerson, Billy 16. My Treasure - Cash, Johnny 17. You Can Tell Me - Miller Sisters 18. Bad Girl - Slim Rhodes Band: vocal: Suggs 19. Wedding Gown Of White - Feathers, Charlie 20. Sure To Fall - Perkins Brothers Band 21. No More - Haggett, Jimmy 22. I'd Rather Be Safe Than Sorry - Smith, Warren 23. A Fool For Loving You - Earls, Jack 24. I Walk The Line - Cash, Johnny 25. Finders Keepers - Miller Sisters 26. No Matter Who's To Blame - Pittman, Barbara
CD 2 : 1. Take And Give - Slim Rhodes Band: vocal: Brook 2. I'll Wait Forever - Honeycutt, Glenn 3. Only You - Perkins, Carl 4. Don't Make Me Go - Cash, Johnny 5. Restless - Burgess, Sonny 6. Fool's Hall of Fame - Orbison, Roy 7. Just In Time - Jenkins, Harold aka Twitty, Co 8. That Depends On You - Williams, Jimmy 9. Two Young Fools In Love - Pittman, Barbara 10. Foolish Heart - Harris, Ray 11. I'm Lonesome - Chaffin, Ernie 12. It All Depends (On Who Will Buy The Wine) (ov - Lewis, Jerry Lee 13. Easy To Love - Self, Mack 14. More Than Yesterday - Bruce, Edwin 15. Forever Yours - Perkins, Carl 16. Your Cheating Heart - Greene, Jeanie aka Johnson, Ma 17. Give My Love To Rose - Cash, Johnny 18. It Only Hurts For A Little While - Miller Sisters 19. I Fell In Love - Smith, Warren 20. Love Is A Stranger - Sunrays, The 21. Trying To Get To You - Orbison, Roy 22. You Win Again - Lewis, Jerry Lee 23. I Was A Fool - Cook, Ken 24. I'm Getting Better All The Time (demo) - Pittman, Barbara 25. Sweet Misery - Burgess, Sonny 26. Ain't It A Shame - Rich, Charlie
CD 3 : 1. One More Time - Riley, Billy 2. Port of Lonely Hearts - Cash, Johnny 3. Part of My Life - Bruce, Edwin 4. I'll Make It All Up To You - Lewis, Jerry Lee 5. Breeze - Taylor, Vernon 6. Goodbye Mr. Love - Smith, Warren 7. Apple Blossom Time (undubbed) - Rich, Charlie 8. Sail Away - Smith, Ray 9. The Miracle of You - Fay, Little Hannah 10. Please Don't Ever Leave Me - Chaffin, Ernie 11. Why Why Why - Smith, Ray 12. I'm Bluer Than Anyone Can Be - Mann, Carl 13. To Tell The Truth - Bobbie & The Boys 14. River of No Return - Greene, Jeanie aka Johnson, Ma 15. How's My Ex Treating You? - Lewis, Jerry Lee 16. How Well I Know - Anthony, Rayburn 17. Ain't Got Nothin' But The Blues - Wilcox, Mikki 18. Stay (alt) - Rich, Charlie 19. Cheaters Never Win - Jean, Bobbie 20. I Can't Forget You (undubbed version) - Mann, Carl 21. Is It Too Late? - Pendarvis, Tracy 22. I'll Wait Forever - Wood, Anita 23. Fools Like Me - Lewis, Jerry Lee 24. I Know What It Means - Wilcox Mikki, 25. The Quiet Look - Wayne, Thomas 26. Who Will The Next Fool Be - Rich, Charlie
3-CD DigiPac mit umfangreichem Booklet, 78 Einzeltitel. -- Die erste wirklich umfassende Zusammenstellung der Balladen aus dem Katalog von Sun Records, ein Streifzug durch zehn Jahre: von den frühen Blues- und Hillbilly-Tagen über das goldene Rockabilly-Zeitalter bis in die frühen 1960er-Jahre. Insgesamt 78 Titel mit einerseits den bekanntesten Sun-Künstlern, aber auch mit weniger populären Interpreten und Songs. Mit umfassendem musikhistorischem Material und detaillierten Kommentaren zu jedem einzelnen Song und somit insgesamt eine unverzichtbare Anschaffung für alle musikgeschichtlich Interessierten, für eingefleischte Sun-Fans und -Sammler. -- Sun Records erlangte seinen weitreichenden Ruhm durch Memphis als Wiege von Rock 'n' Roll-Pionieren wie Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins und Billy Riley, aber auch von anderen Ikonen amerikanischer Musik wie etwa Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison und Charlie Rich. Sun war außerdem die Heimat von Blues-Legenden wie Howlin' Wolf, B. B. King, Rufus Thomas Jr. und Rosco Gordon. Firmenchef Sam Phillips hat all das mit seinem kleinen Memphis-Label auf die Reihe gebracht - und wurde so verdient zur Legende. Obwohl Sun in erster Linie für seine Rocker und rockige Musik steht, war es auch die Heimat für die gemäßigteren, weichen Momente dieser Künstler. Sun nahm verblüffend viele solcher Titel auf und hat auf diese Weise einen umfassenden Balladen-Fundus aufgebaut. Dieser Aspekt des Sun-Vermächtnisses wurde noch nie nachhaltig beleuchtet - bis jetzt. -- 'Sun Ballads' umfasst zehn Jahre der Labelgeschichte - beginnend mit den frühen Blues- und Hillbilly-Tagen über die Goldenen Jahre des Rockabilly und darüber hinaus bis in die Frühsechziger. Diese Zusammenstellung versammelt die bekanntesten Sun-Künstler sowie einige obskure Interpreten mit selten veröffentlichten Songs; zum Package gehört ein großzügig illustriertes Buch mit detaillierten Kommentaren des Sun-Historikers Hank Davis zu jedem einzelnen Song. Dieses 3-CD-Set ist ein nie zuvor angebotenes Füllhorn für Sun-Fans und -Sammler.
The Roys – Lonesome Whistle
The Roys – Lonesome Whistle
Rural Rhythm Records
1. Coal Minin' Man 3:05 2. That's What Makes It Love 4:03 3. Nothin' I Can Do About It Now 2:47 4. Right Back At You 3:17 5. Give A Ride To The Devil 4:13 6. Lonesome Whistle 3:18 7. Everything I Ever Wanted 3:40 8. My Oh My How Time Flies 2:25 9. I Wonder What God's Thinking 3:55 10. Trailblazer 3:27 11. High Road 4:21
Das Geschwister Duo, The Roys, sind bei dem für Bluegrass Music bekannten Record Label „Rural Rhythm Records“ unter gekommen. Das macht sich positiv bemerkbar. Ihre Musik, die schon immer leicht bluegrasslastig war, ist jetzt noch mehr in den Bereich abgewandert. Für Bluegrass Fans ist das Album, welches insgesamt 11 Songs beinhaltet, ein absolutes Muss geworden.
AARON LEWIS has released a special new version of his tremendously successful debut solo single and video “Country Boy” to commemorate the Fourth Of July holiday. The video--which can now be exclusively viewed on CMT.com--features images of the singer/songwriter/guitarist’s multiple performances for, and visits with, U.S. troops.
The Staind frontman has had an extremely busy year with the release of his debut solo country CD TOWN LINE (R&J Records), relentless touring, developing and filming a new hunting show with military veterans titled "Huntin' with Heroes" and running his own non-profit charity It Takes A Community. It is crucial to LEWIS that he makes time to give thanks to those serve our country.
Direct link to watch the moving video is: http://bit.ly/CBMilitaryTribute.
TOWN LINE (R&J Records) has now sold over 170,000 copies and the official video for “Country Boy” has been viewed over 7 million times, with the single having now sold over 450,000 copies and quickly approaching gold certification.
The Land Beyond The Sun to be released Aug. 9th
The Land Beyond The Sun to be released Aug. 9th
“The stillness of the desert, the majesty of towering mountains, the endless skies; all these things have developed a deep and abiding spirituality in the westerner and the cowboy” explains Ranger Doug, Idol of American Youth and the group’s baritone vocalist and guitar player. “The CD appeals to all generations, and welcomes all who are as inspired by the great outdoors, as are Riders In The Sky.”
Perhaps best known for their recording of “Woody’s Round Up” from “Toy Story 2”, Riders In The Sky have been keepers of the flame passed on by the Sons of the Pioneers, Gene Autry and Roy Rogers, single-handedly revitalizing Western music. The seven-time Western Music Association Entertainers of the Year have been stars of the stage, screen, Saturday morning network TV, the Grand Ol' Opry, National Public Radio, and SiriusXM Satellite Radio.
While remaining true to the integrity of the genre, these “Kings of Comedy & Western” have themselves become modern-day icons by branding it with their own legendary wacky humor and way-out Western wit, and all along encouraging buckaroos and buckarettes to live life “The Cowboy Way!”
The Land Beyond The Sun – track list
01 - The Land Beyond the Sun02 - Song of the Trail
03 - The King's Highway
04 - There's A Gold Mine in the Sky
05 - This Ole House
06 - River of Mystery
07 - Saddle Up
08 - The Mystery of His Way
09 - Cowboy Camp Meetin'
10 - He Walks with the Wild and the Lonely
11 - There's A Blue Sky Way Out Yonder
12 - Lord, You Made the Cowboy Happy
13 - The Stingy Congregation
Josh Slone Best Classic Bluegrass Album of the Year
Josh Slone to be presented with
Best Classic Bluegrass Album of the Year
award for “Josh Slone & CoalTown”
Best Classic Bluegrass Album of the Year
award for “Josh Slone & CoalTown”
Josh Slone, with his signature deep country and bluesy vocals along with the tightly blended harmonies of CoalTown have certainly caught the attention of industry leaders, including the Rural Roots Music Commission. According to one panelist, "this particular CD is a unique blend of bluegrass mixed with country and mountain soul." "Exactly what the Commission is looking for," added Bob Everhart. Uncle Billy Dunbar, host of a popular bluegrass radio show in Iowa, agrees saying, "The boys from CoalTown sing about what they know. It is true roots music from the coal mines of Kentucky, and the valleys and mountains, singing about love, sweat, and tears. They sing and pick the real sounds of country folk."
Nine of the thirteen songs on the album were written by the talented songwriter, Mike Wells who also penned the first single, “Virginia Bound.” Several other top songwriters have contributed powerful songs to this project including: Larry Cordle, Brandon Rickman, Charley Stefl, Jenee’ Fleenor, Mark Brinkman, Mike Evans and more. The album also includes special guests: Ron Stewart, Matt Despain, Kim Gardner and Gerald Evans.
The Annual Oldtime Country Bluegrass Festival has been going for 36 years and includes over 600 country music performers during the weeklong event. Shows are held in huge air conditioned buildings and also outdoor stages. The event includes: great country cookin' and some of the best Iowa corn-fed beef steaks anyone is likely to ever eat. LeMars is also home of Bluebunny Ice Cream, the largest ice cream manufacturer in the world. General admission is $15 per day per person, a seven-day gate pass is just $60 per person that includes everything. Also appearing this year are: Jim Ed Brown, Helen Cornelius, Jeannie Seely, Bonnie Guitar, over 600 pickers, singers, players, musicians, and performing artists.
The festival also includes excellent RV camping facilities with 30-amp hook-ups at $12 a day (no reservations). “A Tipi Village in an old ghost town setting is a great place for 'jammers' to gather, and throw in six old time dances in the Dance Hall, and it's a pretty good deal for the dollar,” said Everhart. “Workshops, contests, open stages, even the front porch of an old log cabin becomes focal points of entertainment interest, done much the way it was done when homesteaders started settling Iowa. We keep telling folks, don't put all your money in your gas tank to drive hundreds of miles to see one show, come home, be with us, and see a thousand," he added.
For a complete tour schedule and more information on Josh Slone including the album JOSH SLONE & COALTOWN, please visit joshsloneandcoaltown.net
Steel Guitar News
Hello fellow players,
As most of you know, the Sho-Bud company was bought by Fret Gretsch in January of �85 and moved to Ridgeland, South Carolina with the main office being in Charlotte, North Carolina. Fred bought Sho-Bud because it was thrown in on the deal that he was making to Baldwin to reacquire the name of Gretsch.
He didn�t really want Sho-Bud, but somehow Fred ended up with the Kustom company that was in Chinook, Kansas. So Fred ended up with Kustom, Gretsch, Sho-Bud, MCI guitars and somehow, Bigsby. This is fine and a whole lot better than having these names die, but I�d sure like to see him do more with them.
The true originators of the Sho-Bud company and the boys that built so many of these guitars over many years were the sons of the immortal Shot Jackson, David and Harry Jackson. David and Harry are still both in great health and building the new, already legendary Jackson guitar.
There always seems to be a new steel guitar popping up on the market straight out of somebody�s garage or basement, but this Jackson guitar is not one of those. The legendary thinking that went into some of the greatest Sho-Bud guitars is still showing up in these beautiful Jackson guitars.
David and Harry both came into my shop a couple of days ago and like always, we had long talks about the future of steel guitar and the future of designs that are coming. These boys are continually thinking and experimenting as proven by some of the mechanisms that David has recently come up with, like the finger that bends in the middle and requires very little pedal pressure and eliminates the typical wear parts in most all pull designs.
David has many other ideas that he shared with me. I offered my opinion on some of them and told him what I thought the pros and cons would be and at times he would look at me with a sly smile and say something like, �Yes I�m aware of that and I�ve already thought of that.� Pretty amazing minds these boys have and I still have the feeling that David will never get the true glory and recognition that he deserves along with his brother Harry.
The Wright Brothers couldn�t have been any smarter than these two boys. During this visit we discussed the past forty five years of steel guitar development. We discussed patents, who patented what, variation details on the all pull mechanism, who did what and at what time and who the true inventors were.
Names like the Harlan Brothers of Indianapolis, the Kelly patent that David dug up in the archives of the Patent Office and David�s designs of the all pull changer that he came up with to improve upon the systems that were being built at the time.
I remember at a very young age seeing Gene Pooler show up with Johnny Lee Wells at a dance I was also playing in Oklahoma. This was about 1957. Gene showed me his new cable operated Standel Custom steel guitar built by the great Chuck Wright. The changer was beautiful. Multiple raise and lower, tuned with your finger on top, very smooth and tremendous quality in the guitar.
Gene wouldn�t touch the guitar except to play it unless he was wearing his white gloves. The thing that impressed me the most was the design. Nobody ever mentions or says anything about this guitar, but it was definitely a good one. Chuck Wright must have been a very busy, hard working, intelligent being. Chuck is the father the incomparable David Wright, great steel guitarist of this day.
Ben Rubright in Florida, is the proud owner of one of David Jackson�s great guitars. Fred Shannon in west Texas and Charles Tilley of east Texas are friends I would like to mention because of the wonderful things they have done for steel guitar. I also had a visit this week from Bob Vantine. I hadn�t met Bob before. I found him a very interesting steel guitar guy that is primarily a lead guitar player he says. Bob is in middle New York state and member of a very fine steel guitar club in that state.
There are incredible steel guitar players all over the United States here to say nothing of players on other major continents. We have many readers of this newsletter from all over the world and I love the replies I get from all of them. It seems to be a very large force that�s still growing in England and the rest of the world. I�ve heard a lot of these guys play and I�m very astounded at their abilities.
I�d like to mention Basil Enriques, Ken Byng, David Hartley and B.J. Cole. I think it�s wonderful that the world is covered with steel players of such high caliber.
Steel Guitar Nashville, being a store in the Nashville area and serving highly discriminating steel guitarists here and around the world, demands a high quality stock of guitars, working and collector type. We would love to have more non-pedal classic pro guitars of yesteryear and I�m sure we will have in the future, but we seem to sell these old Fenders, Rickenbackers, Gibsons, Nationals and Bigsbys as fast as we get them.
The best thing I can say is that if you�re searching for that elusive user or collector guitar, keep following our webpage changes and I�m sure what you want will turn up.
Check out our monthly specials at http://www.steelguitar.net/monthlyspecials.html and we�ll try to save you a lot of money.
Your buddy,
Steel Guitar Nashville
123 Mid Town Court
Hendersonville, TN. 37075
(615) 822-5555
Open 9AM � 4PM Monday � Friday
Closed Saturday and Sunday
As most of you know, the Sho-Bud company was bought by Fret Gretsch in January of �85 and moved to Ridgeland, South Carolina with the main office being in Charlotte, North Carolina. Fred bought Sho-Bud because it was thrown in on the deal that he was making to Baldwin to reacquire the name of Gretsch.
He didn�t really want Sho-Bud, but somehow Fred ended up with the Kustom company that was in Chinook, Kansas. So Fred ended up with Kustom, Gretsch, Sho-Bud, MCI guitars and somehow, Bigsby. This is fine and a whole lot better than having these names die, but I�d sure like to see him do more with them.
The true originators of the Sho-Bud company and the boys that built so many of these guitars over many years were the sons of the immortal Shot Jackson, David and Harry Jackson. David and Harry are still both in great health and building the new, already legendary Jackson guitar.
There always seems to be a new steel guitar popping up on the market straight out of somebody�s garage or basement, but this Jackson guitar is not one of those. The legendary thinking that went into some of the greatest Sho-Bud guitars is still showing up in these beautiful Jackson guitars.
David and Harry both came into my shop a couple of days ago and like always, we had long talks about the future of steel guitar and the future of designs that are coming. These boys are continually thinking and experimenting as proven by some of the mechanisms that David has recently come up with, like the finger that bends in the middle and requires very little pedal pressure and eliminates the typical wear parts in most all pull designs.
David has many other ideas that he shared with me. I offered my opinion on some of them and told him what I thought the pros and cons would be and at times he would look at me with a sly smile and say something like, �Yes I�m aware of that and I�ve already thought of that.� Pretty amazing minds these boys have and I still have the feeling that David will never get the true glory and recognition that he deserves along with his brother Harry.
The Wright Brothers couldn�t have been any smarter than these two boys. During this visit we discussed the past forty five years of steel guitar development. We discussed patents, who patented what, variation details on the all pull mechanism, who did what and at what time and who the true inventors were.
Names like the Harlan Brothers of Indianapolis, the Kelly patent that David dug up in the archives of the Patent Office and David�s designs of the all pull changer that he came up with to improve upon the systems that were being built at the time.
I remember at a very young age seeing Gene Pooler show up with Johnny Lee Wells at a dance I was also playing in Oklahoma. This was about 1957. Gene showed me his new cable operated Standel Custom steel guitar built by the great Chuck Wright. The changer was beautiful. Multiple raise and lower, tuned with your finger on top, very smooth and tremendous quality in the guitar.
Gene wouldn�t touch the guitar except to play it unless he was wearing his white gloves. The thing that impressed me the most was the design. Nobody ever mentions or says anything about this guitar, but it was definitely a good one. Chuck Wright must have been a very busy, hard working, intelligent being. Chuck is the father the incomparable David Wright, great steel guitarist of this day.
Ben Rubright in Florida, is the proud owner of one of David Jackson�s great guitars. Fred Shannon in west Texas and Charles Tilley of east Texas are friends I would like to mention because of the wonderful things they have done for steel guitar. I also had a visit this week from Bob Vantine. I hadn�t met Bob before. I found him a very interesting steel guitar guy that is primarily a lead guitar player he says. Bob is in middle New York state and member of a very fine steel guitar club in that state.
There are incredible steel guitar players all over the United States here to say nothing of players on other major continents. We have many readers of this newsletter from all over the world and I love the replies I get from all of them. It seems to be a very large force that�s still growing in England and the rest of the world. I�ve heard a lot of these guys play and I�m very astounded at their abilities.
I�d like to mention Basil Enriques, Ken Byng, David Hartley and B.J. Cole. I think it�s wonderful that the world is covered with steel players of such high caliber.
Steel Guitar Nashville, being a store in the Nashville area and serving highly discriminating steel guitarists here and around the world, demands a high quality stock of guitars, working and collector type. We would love to have more non-pedal classic pro guitars of yesteryear and I�m sure we will have in the future, but we seem to sell these old Fenders, Rickenbackers, Gibsons, Nationals and Bigsbys as fast as we get them.
The best thing I can say is that if you�re searching for that elusive user or collector guitar, keep following our webpage changes and I�m sure what you want will turn up.
Check out our monthly specials at http://www.steelguitar.net/monthlyspecials.html and we�ll try to save you a lot of money.
Your buddy,
Steel Guitar Nashville
123 Mid Town Court
Hendersonville, TN. 37075
(615) 822-5555
Open 9AM � 4PM Monday � Friday
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Berkeley, CA – June 29, 2011 -Bluegrass singer-songwriter Nell Robinson proudly announces the upcoming release of her sophomore CD, "On the Brooklyn Road" on July 19, 2011. After her debut album Loango charted in bluegrass and Americana in 2010, Nell Robinson was named one of the most "utterly charming," "freshest voices" in roots music, and likened to early Emmylou Harris and Hazel Dickens. With "On The Brooklyn Road", titled after the red clay dirt road that led to her family’s farm in rural Alabama, Nell returns with more of her original compositions.
On her second album, Robinson musically collaborates and performs with a veritable "Who's Who" of renowned bluegrass icons including: Jim Nunally, Laurie Lewis, John Reischman, Chad Manning, Keith Little and Rob Ickes, among many others. "On the Brooklyn Road" includes serious tales of death, heartbreak and affectionate story-telling of family traditions. The tunes are filled with warmth, sweetness, humor and simple elegance.
There is a timelessness and deftness to Nell Robinson's original song-writing style. She evokes a by-gone era mixed with a modern twist to her lyrics. This is evidenced by the Cajun-flavored song about temptation “Don’t Light My Fire” to her co-write with Laurie Lewis, "Wahatchee" to “I’m Brilliant" about the denial of alcoholism.
Nell's vocals range from haunting and melodic to soulful and spare. "On the Brooklyn Road" was produced by Nell and by Jim Nunally, who also adds splendid harmonies that complement Robinson’s warm clear-as-a-bell lead vocals. Just listen to their chemistry on Richard Brandenburg’s tender ballad “Mayflies, ” a highlight of the album. The album’s songs are interspersed with field recordings of stories by her mother and uncles about an innocent time long since passed. Nell sings in the name of her late grandmother and as a way to honor her Southern ancestry.
The CD closes almost like a Southern revival with “Last Old Shovel” and “Sweet Sunny South”. As on Nell’s first album "Loango", there are 2 bonus tracks by The Henriettas, which is her and Cary Sheldon’s tribute to the 1930’s sister act, the DeZurik Sisters. Their funny and intricate yodeling style has to be heard to be believed.
In Nell Robinson's liner notes she writes "Story-telling is a Southern pastime and some of the stories I know are best told like they happened yesterday, even though they are 150 years old. They foster this deep connection to people and place, so much that sometimes I miss a past that I wasn't even present for. The family recordings and songs, mine and others, in this album are my way of breathing those memories into life today." Let Nell Robinson breathe her nostalgic memories, stories and songs into your ear with the eloquent sounds of "On the Brooklyn Road"!
Berkeley, CA – June 29, 2011 -Bluegrass singer-songwriter Nell Robinson proudly announces the upcoming release of her sophomore CD, "On the Brooklyn Road" on July 19, 2011. After her debut album Loango charted in bluegrass and Americana in 2010, Nell Robinson was named one of the most "utterly charming," "freshest voices" in roots music, and likened to early Emmylou Harris and Hazel Dickens. With "On The Brooklyn Road", titled after the red clay dirt road that led to her family’s farm in rural Alabama, Nell returns with more of her original compositions.
On her second album, Robinson musically collaborates and performs with a veritable "Who's Who" of renowned bluegrass icons including: Jim Nunally, Laurie Lewis, John Reischman, Chad Manning, Keith Little and Rob Ickes, among many others. "On the Brooklyn Road" includes serious tales of death, heartbreak and affectionate story-telling of family traditions. The tunes are filled with warmth, sweetness, humor and simple elegance.
There is a timelessness and deftness to Nell Robinson's original song-writing style. She evokes a by-gone era mixed with a modern twist to her lyrics. This is evidenced by the Cajun-flavored song about temptation “Don’t Light My Fire” to her co-write with Laurie Lewis, "Wahatchee" to “I’m Brilliant" about the denial of alcoholism.
Nell's vocals range from haunting and melodic to soulful and spare. "On the Brooklyn Road" was produced by Nell and by Jim Nunally, who also adds splendid harmonies that complement Robinson’s warm clear-as-a-bell lead vocals. Just listen to their chemistry on Richard Brandenburg’s tender ballad “Mayflies, ” a highlight of the album. The album’s songs are interspersed with field recordings of stories by her mother and uncles about an innocent time long since passed. Nell sings in the name of her late grandmother and as a way to honor her Southern ancestry.
The CD closes almost like a Southern revival with “Last Old Shovel” and “Sweet Sunny South”. As on Nell’s first album "Loango", there are 2 bonus tracks by The Henriettas, which is her and Cary Sheldon’s tribute to the 1930’s sister act, the DeZurik Sisters. Their funny and intricate yodeling style has to be heard to be believed.
In Nell Robinson's liner notes she writes "Story-telling is a Southern pastime and some of the stories I know are best told like they happened yesterday, even though they are 150 years old. They foster this deep connection to people and place, so much that sometimes I miss a past that I wasn't even present for. The family recordings and songs, mine and others, in this album are my way of breathing those memories into life today." Let Nell Robinson breathe her nostalgic memories, stories and songs into your ear with the eloquent sounds of "On the Brooklyn Road"!
The 42nd Annual GMA Dove Awards Garnered Unprecedented Viewers On gmc television network And Quickly Sold Out The Fabulous Fox Theatre As Atlanta Welcomed This Year’s Honors To The City
THE GMA Dove Awards offer recognition in a variety of genres making it the most comprehensive awards show celebrating Christian music will again air on gmc
NASHVILLE, TN (June 29, 2011) – THE GMA Board of Directors and the Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau announced today that the 43rd Annual GMA Dove Awards will again take place in Atlanta, Georgia in 2012 and will be aired on gmc. The awards, slated to take place in April 2012 offer the most comprehensive platform of music celebrating Christian and Gospel music.
The 42nd Annual GMA Dove Awards quickly sold out this past April at Atlanta’s Fabulous Fox Theatre garnered its highest ratings on gmc. With over 1.5 million viewers turning in to catch host Sherri Shepherd and such artists as Female Vocalist of the Year Francesca Battistelli, Male Vocalist of the Year Chris August and other superstars Third Day, Casting Crowns, Natalie Grant , Chris Tomlin, Mary Mary, Kirk Franklin, Kenny Rogers and many others perform unique collaborations and take home honors at the annual awards show.
“We’re excited for the Dove Awards to return to Atlanta,” says William Pete, Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau CEO. “There was a buzz throughout the city surrounding the show and the excitement was contagious. We look forward to making the 43rd Annual Dove Awards another success.”
This year’s awards marked many firsts for the iconic awards. With its move to the culturally diverse city of Atlanta, the gmc airing, numerous promotions with radio, TV and area churches, coupled with the location being home to so many of the genres artists and the international TV star and comedian Sherri Shepherd bringing her uniquely apropos hosting duties to the show made for a complete facelift for “Gospel Music’s Biggest Night.”
Mitchell Solarek, chairman of the GMA board states, “Our experience this past year in Atlanta exceeded our expectations. How exciting to have the Governor of Georgia personally there to welcome our artists, and guests of the show. The City of Atlanta made us feel so welcomed from the city and state leaders to the multitude of local and international media that covered the awards. We are thrilled with the results of the 42nd Annual GMA Dove Awards and are looking forward to another amazing outcome in 2012.”
Charley Humbard, gmc CEO adds, “The GMA Dove Awards is one of the preeminent events in the world of Christian, Gospel and Inspirational music. Our relationship with the GMA and the Dove Awards is an important part of our strategy. We are pleased with the increasing numbers we are garnering with awards show. And, having the awards in Atlanta, the home of gmc, makes it doubly sweet.”
About GMA:
Founded in 1964, the Gospel Music Association serves as the face and voice for the Gospel/Christian music community and is dedicated to exposing, promoting and celebrating the Gospel through music of all styles including Pop, Rock, Praise & Worship, Urban Gospel, R&B, Hip Hop, Southern Gospel, Bluegrass, Country and more. The GMA community consists of members including agents, artists, church leaders, managers, promoters, radio personnel, record company executives, retailers, songwriters and other industry visionaries. The GMA produces the GMA Dove Awards, GMA Dove Week and IMMERSE. For more on supporting the GMA or becoming a member, please visit www.gospelmusic.org or contact the GMA directly at 615.277.1376.
About gmc:
gmc ( www.watchgmctv.com) is America’s favorite channel for uplifting music and family entertainment. In 2010, The Parents Television Council™ awarded its Entertainment Seal of Approval™ to gmc for being “an authentic family-friendly cable network.” gmc was the only television network to receive the highly coveted honor last year.
gmc can be seen in nearly 48 million homes on various cable systems around the country, on DIRECTV on channel 338 and on Verizon FiOS on channel 224.
Let's Help Southern-Rocker Adam Fisher Race Down the Tracks
Let's Help Southern-Rocker Adam Fisher Race Down the Tracks | |
Have you ever imagined what it would feel like to be on the ground floor of a mission bound for success? Southern-Rocker Adam Fisher’s newly released single Freight Train is climbing the ladder on the country charts, while fans everywhere are anxious to jump on board. Adam showcased a few of his songs in Nashville earlier last month, and luckily we caught the live action on video. His entire song set from the showcase is currently posted on YouTube and we need your help. | |
Watch all of Adam’s videos to aid in his goal of 1,000 hits and 500 likes! This will give Adam the exposure he needs to reach out to a broader spectrum of future fans. Post a comment with your thoughts on the song and the performance to get the caboose soaring. Freight Train was co-written by Adam and was produced by Grammy nominated Eric Paul (Willie Nelson, Towns Van Zandt). His previous single, Cotton Town, impacted radio and received amazing reviews, including one from renowned music critic, Robert K. Oermann. With musical influences that span Waylon Jennings, Dave Matthews and Elvis, Adam is ready to take a risk and give his fans something new and different to love. Performing since the early age of thirteen, this good ‘ole boy has a rocking edge and the confidence and stage presence of a seasoned performer. To stay updated on him, visit www.AdamFisherLive.com and be sure to follow him on Twitter @AdamFisherLive. |
Rabu, 29 Juni 2011
Despite the best efforts of Nashville Record companies to turn country music into pop/rap/crap thru groups like Lady Antibellem, Sugarland, Jason Adean (rapping his new song) and Taylor (I ain't so) Swift, by some sort of miracle every year several really good songs actually getting recorded (and you can actually hear and understand the lyrics).
I picked up Brad Paisley's This Is Country Music as soon as it hit the shelves and its got some outstanding songs in addition to the title cut and Ole Alabama...namely "A Man To Have To Die (to go to hell)"...killer song, but probably won't get a single release because...
Ronnie Dunn debut Solo CD second release will be "Cost Of Living" Anyone that has to basically BEG for a job is gonna identify with it and I think (and hope) radio will give it a real chance, as it was shipped to radio on the 15 June. Another killer song that he had to fight the system to get released. If you wanna read....
Newcomer Justin Moore has a great song also with "If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away", but the rest of the CD is typical "I'm more Country than you" junk....Title song is Outlaw's Like Me....dude ain't no Outlaw...he ain't been in the system long enough to fight it....everybody likes to TRY to compare themselves to Waylon and they couldn't even carry his Cocaine Stash!
In my humble opinion that is!!
Barry P. Foley
American Troubadour
Burgunderweg 22
95233 Helmbrechts Germany
American Troubadour
Burgunderweg 22
95233 Helmbrechts Germany
Tel: 09252 25 1866
Fax: 09252 25 1867
Handy: 0173-361-5310
Fax: 09252 25 1867
Handy: 0173-361-5310
James Otto StageIt.com Benefit Concert has been changed to July 7th
James Otto StageIt.com Benefit Concert has been changed to July 7th at 7 p.m. as opposed to July 6th
Tune in Thursday, June 30th to catch Wynonna on CNN Headline News “Morning Express with Robin Meade”
Nashville, TN (June 29, 2011) –
The free show will start at 8 p.m. with the singing of the National Anthem and an F-15 fighter jet fly over at McConnell-Talbert Stadium and will conclude with a celebratory fireworks show. This year marks the 29th year of the annual partnership concert and it is expected to draw an upwards of 30,000 people. The show will be taped and broadcast on the Fourth of July on American Forces Network, a television broadcast network that serves American service men and women and their families stationed at bases overseas.
The Independence Day concert is just one way for the Air Force Reserve to say thank you to the 1.1 million deployed service members and their families, in addition to the surrounding communities. It is their opportunity to show their gratitude for the overwhelming military support shown throughout the mid-Georgia region and across the nation.
Leading up to the July 1st concert, Wynonna will be making an appearance on Meade’s CNN Headline News “Morning Express with Robin Meade” during the 8am hour on Thursday, June 30th. General Charles Stenner and war hero Staff Sergeant Warren will be on hand to discuss the importance of the upcoming Independence Day celebration.
For more information on Wynonna, visit www.wynonna.com.
TV-Hinweis: "Country Club Spezial: Summer Feeling" auf GoldStar TV
Im „Country Club“ am 20.8. um 19:00 Uhr auf GoldStar TV – Alles Schlager (nur auf Sky) stehen die Zeichen auf Sommer, Sonne, Barbecue. Und das mit den sonnigsten Hits, die die Szene derzeit zu bieten hat: Country Newcomer LOCash Cowboys kündigen mit „Here Comes Summer“ schon die richtige Jahreszeit an, die Grammy Gewinner Rascal Flatts träumen von möglichst heißen „Summer Nights“, und die süße Carmen Rasmusen möchte überhaupt nur „Nothin' Like Summer“.
„Country Club Spezial: Summer Feeling“ – Sa., 20.8.11, 19:00
Heiße Nächte, coole Cowboys
Mit: Veronica Ballestrini, Trailer Choir, Rascal Flatts, Matt Stillwell, LoCash Cowboys u.v.m.
Twitter buzzing about Meade's debut, bowing inside the Top #25 on iTunes
NASHVILLE, TN (June 29, 2011) – HLN’s Robin Meade is receiving strong reviews, industry respect and Twitter buzz for her debut album Brand New Day, featuring the lead-off single, a cover of Don Henley’s “Dirty Laundry.” The album, available exclusively at Target stores nationwide and iTunes, landed at #25 on iTunes in its first week.
“She is the real deal and it shows all over this…” writes Chuck Dauphin of Music News Nashville, saying: “One listen to the album, and I think you’ll agree that Meade rises to the challenge and meets it dead on.”
Nearly 7 million Twitter users received word of the record via such notables as CNN’s Anderson Cooper, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, HLN’s Joy Behar and Dr. Drew Pinsky, John Rich of Big and Rich and Big Boi of OutKast. John Rich tweeted, “She’s kick ass, and there are not many singers you’ll hear me say that about.”
Beyond Twitter, Meade is all over radio and TV in the past week. She has spoken to dozens of radio and TV stations across the country promoting the single and album, while being featured on such shows as the entertainment magazine show “EXTRA,” CNN’s “AC360,” HLN's “Showbiz Tonight,” “The Joy Behar Show” and many more. The story about her debut album was also in the pages of Country Weekly, The New York Daily News, USAWEEKEND.com and others.
"I'm so grateful to the country community, music fans and both new and loyal viewers for receiving my music so warmly," says Meade. "Writing and recording this album was a life-changing experience for me and the realization of a longtime dream…I hope people find their own piece of truth in these songs."
In conjunction with the release of the album, HLN's "Morning Express with Robin Meade" launched “Rise and Shine,” a contest that asks her viewers to write and perform an original "Morning Express" theme song. The winner scores a trip to Atlanta to meet the “Morning Express” team, a VIP tour of the news studio and a professional recording session for the song they created. The show will select up to ten of the best entries; viewers can vote for their favorite at CNN.com/Robin and the winner will be announced on the air in September.
This week, Meade will head to Robins Air Force Base in Warner Robins, Georgia, to host and perform at the 2011 Independence Day Concert featuring Wynonna and the Air Force Reserve Band. Meade will be performing with both during the concert, which will be aired exclusively on the Armed Forces Network July 4th to US service personnel around the globe. This is the latest effort by Meade to voice her support for the troops, something she and the “Morning Express” team have been committed to for years.
Meade can be seen Monday through Friday from 6am-Noon Eastern as the anchor of "Morning Express with Robin Meade" on HLN.
Her debut album Brand New Day (produced by Nashville heavy-hitter Victoria Shaw) is available exclusively at Target stores and iTunes.
On Facebook: www.facebook.com/morningexpresshln
On Twitter: @robinmeade
On Web: www.cnn.com/robin
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